I thought you didn't care about organic food...
Now I understand why you didn't opose lab grown human meat I teferred in other topic.
Anyway I will help you. On Brazil there is a dish which sauce it's made with the blood of chicken, so you can adapt it to a human dish.
By the way, vegan's blood it's also red, I can assure you.
I heard about millenials vegans have tender muscle, but I didn't have confirmation from a trustable source yet.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
"I like vegans, they taste the same as Jehovah's Witnesses". "Enjoy them with organic fava beans and a local chianti."
Atheism today it's different, since feminism (demand free unlimited abortion right) and left wings took the world. There are mass produced atheit people in universities and also on youtube.
I don't preach atheism, but I don't stay in silence when religious stupidy came to anoy me. In the end of the incident today I finished saying |(kindly and calmly) to the Jehovah witness that the religions failed to reach any God or reason, since they all start from some point, diverge, split and fight. I even used the example of Catholic, protestant and mormons, and the example of judaism, christianism and isalmism, which started with Abrahan.
I could had being less kind and talk about estatitics of domestic violence among religious people, as well as divorce rates, adultery etc... Or even the rapes commited by religious authorities, or the connection of religions and the hate groups or how religious ideas feed such groups ideology.
They are not harmless. They raise their kids with the seed of prejudice and ignorance, raise girls to be inferior as "a step before man".
If you know me and my posts, you know I'm not the left wing type, or the type who see as ok all this sexual manipulation and hedonism preached by media today, and how I'm agaisnt drugs.
Originally Posted by Xist
Calm down, Hannibal!
I do not care how long a man's hair is, but I never understand "man buns."
I feel that I have met atheists more fervent about their beliefs than any religious person that I have met, but I have not personally known anyone that launched a crusade, killed anyone (and\or themselves) over beliefs, etc.
I feel their platform is more "I am a genius and you are an idiot" than "This is true and that is untrue."
Either Doublas or Scott Adams (both were atheists) said that people ask "Don't you feel you should make a superficial effort just in case you are wrong?"
"I would not respect any god that respected that."
If someone is the best person they can be, I do not see what difference it makes what they believe, as long as they do not bring harm to others, or encourage others to harm.
Since when do we discuss politics?