08-02-2019, 04:25 PM
#11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5
I don't find Jehovah's Witnesses any more annoying or ridiculous than vegans, but I like them just the same.
Calm down, Hannibal!
I do not care how long a man's hair is, but I never understand "man buns."
I feel that I have met atheists more fervent about their beliefs than any religious person that I have met, but I have not personally known anyone that launched a crusade, killed anyone (and\or themselves) over beliefs, etc.
I feel their platform is more "I am a genius and you are an idiot" than "This is true and that is untrue."
Either Doublas or Scott Adams (both were atheists) said that people ask "Don't you feel you should make a superficial effort just in case you are wrong?"
"I would not respect any god that respected that."
If someone is the best person they can be, I do not see what difference it makes what they believe, as long as they do not bring harm to others, or encourage others to harm.
Since when do we discuss politics? 
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08-02-2019, 04:41 PM
#12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Xist
Calm down, Hannibal! 
"I like vegans, they taste the same as Jehovah's Witnesses". "Enjoy them with organic fava beans and a local chianti."
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08-02-2019, 05:02 PM
#13 (permalink)
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Cannibalism is environmentally friendly!
Wait, are these free-range people?!
08-02-2019, 05:31 PM
#14 (permalink)
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I thought you didn't care about organic food...
Now I understand why you didn't opose lab grown human meat I teferred in other topic.
Anyway I will help you. On Brazil there is a dish which sauce it's made with the blood of chicken, so you can adapt it to a human dish.
By the way, vegan's blood it's also red, I can assure you.
I heard about millenials vegans have tender muscle, but I didn't have confirmation from a trustable source yet.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
"I like vegans, they taste the same as Jehovah's Witnesses". "Enjoy them with organic fava beans and a local chianti."
Atheism today it's different, since feminism (demand free unlimited abortion right) and left wings took the world. There are mass produced atheit people in universities and also on youtube.
I don't preach atheism, but I don't stay in silence when religious stupidy came to anoy me. In the end of the incident today I finished saying |(kindly and calmly) to the Jehovah witness that the religions failed to reach any God or reason, since they all start from some point, diverge, split and fight. I even used the example of Catholic, protestant and mormons, and the example of judaism, christianism and isalmism, which started with Abrahan.
I could had being less kind and talk about estatitics of domestic violence among religious people, as well as divorce rates, adultery etc... Or even the rapes commited by religious authorities, or the connection of religions and the hate groups or how religious ideas feed such groups ideology.
They are not harmless. They raise their kids with the seed of prejudice and ignorance, raise girls to be inferior as "a step before man".
If you know me and my posts, you know I'm not the left wing type, or the type who see as ok all this sexual manipulation and hedonism preached by media today, and how I'm agaisnt drugs.
Originally Posted by Xist
Calm down, Hannibal!
I do not care how long a man's hair is, but I never understand "man buns."
I feel that I have met atheists more fervent about their beliefs than any religious person that I have met, but I have not personally known anyone that launched a crusade, killed anyone (and\or themselves) over beliefs, etc.
I feel their platform is more "I am a genius and you are an idiot" than "This is true and that is untrue."
Either Doublas or Scott Adams (both were atheists) said that people ask "Don't you feel you should make a superficial effort just in case you are wrong?"
"I would not respect any god that respected that."
If someone is the best person they can be, I do not see what difference it makes what they believe, as long as they do not bring harm to others, or encourage others to harm.
Since when do we discuss politics? 
Last edited by All Darc; 08-02-2019 at 05:40 PM..
08-02-2019, 05:44 PM
#15 (permalink)
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08-02-2019, 05:50 PM
#16 (permalink)
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There's plenty of deserved criticism of many ideologies and examples of people representing any number of religions, and I don't think confronting theists with hard questions is being unkind. What would be unkind is to let someone continue on without contending with the problems with their philosophy/religion.
The point of developing a philosophy isn't to insulate oneself from competing ideas, but to contend with them to further refine the philosophy. Truth is the aim, not adherence to ideology.
I'm not familiar with the religions that teach that women are inferior or of less value as men. I get that impression from Islam, but I've not read the Koran, so I'm speaking out of ignorance there.
08-02-2019, 06:21 PM
#17 (permalink)
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Most people here (Brazil and many countries) have a different and very less nobble perception of kindness. Here if you don't listen or don't fake to agree somehow they saw as lack of respect. Anyway I told both that I have no religion and don't trust on religion.
They often confuse respect someone with respect somone's ideas. And confuse respect ideas with tolerate a idea.
In old days there was religious freak anoying people that wasn't conservative moralist as their views and beliefs. Today you also have left wing modern hippies or hedonist people anoying who don't follow libertine hedonist style.
No surprise teens are getting made, since they are opressed in both sides today. No win situation...
Originally Posted by redpoint5
There's plenty of deserved criticism of many ideologies and examples of people representing any number of religions, and I don't think confronting theists with hard questions is being unkind. What would be unkind is to let someone continue on without contending with the problems with their philosophy/religion.
The point of developing a philosophy isn't to insulate oneself from competing ideas, but to contend with them to further refine the philosophy. Truth is the aim, not adherence to ideology.
I'm not familiar with the religions that teach that women are inferior or of less value as men. I get that impression from Islam, but I've not read the Koran, so I'm speaking out of ignorance there.
08-02-2019, 06:45 PM
#18 (permalink)
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It's natural to want to "win", and it seems that those who cannot win an intellectual discussion dismiss reason and either place it as less valuable than their emotion, or simply delude themselves into believing some twisted incoherent version of reason. Perhaps that is more noticeable in Brazil, but it's certainly something increasingly observed in the US.
I'm not one to let someone being wrong get in the way of being friends with them. At the same time, I'm also not one to be manipulated into agreeing with someone merely to be liked. People should like me for seeking truth, not for being agreeable.
To that end, I probably annoy one of the people staying with us that is looking for job. She's very driven by emotion and given to liberal ideology (though not the most extreme). I enjoy discussions with her, but she probably gets a bit frustrated sometimes (I'm nearly dead center politically with a tiny nudge towards liberty). At least she acknowledges the many friends she has that abuse social welfare.
In the US, the biggest poverty is meaning. We don't physically starve to death, we emotionally starve to death.
08-02-2019, 07:28 PM
#19 (permalink)
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I think many religious people need to fear smething or need reward to be good, and can't stand that there is people who are good without need menace or bribe.
Extreme political views can be like a religion, and also some standartizations of behavior among society life style. Some people think that if they need drug or sexual extravagança, everyone else need. If they are irresponsible they want everyone to be just to don't blame themselves.
Humans are very irrational in groups. The groups make people feel power and with power they don't give proper value to reflection and winsdow.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
To that end, I probably annoy one of the people staying with us that is looking for job. She's very driven by emotion and given to liberal ideology (though not the most extreme). I enjoy discussions with her, but she probably gets a bit frustrated sometimes (I'm nearly dead center politically with a tiny nudge towards liberty). At least she acknowledges the many friends she has that abuse social welfare.
That's why drug comsume keeps rising despite information about hazzards and efforts of government and campagnes.
USA's God it's the dollar.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
In the US, the biggest poverty is meaning. We don't physically starve to death, we emotionally starve to death.
08-03-2019, 04:29 AM
#20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Shaneajanderson
As far as your hair, I'm in the camp of do what you want, as long as it doesn't hurt me. If you want to follow scripture, great, if not, I'm not going to try to stop you.
It sounds like you are against long hair but thinks it's my right to use. Did I got right ?
No, you didn't get it right and the poster went away instead of calling you out as would have been merited. So I skipped a lot of the vagaries in between.
USA's God it's the dollar.
That's not what it says on the dollar.
I haven't had someone knock on my door to proselytize since the 1970s. It was a young [fairly hot] blonde woman. I sat in the rocking chair and she was in an easy chair, not on the florescent orange couch under an American [veteran's burial*] flag.
She made the pitch and when she asked if I wanted to know more, I said she was welcome back ( anytime!) but if it was two earnest young men in narrow black ties they'd be wasting their time. They never showed. I've never forgot. I still think it was a front for an intelligence agency probe.
*Wedding present from a biker named Renegade. I still fly it on the Fourth.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster