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Old 08-02-2019, 06:21 PM   #17 (permalink)
All Darc
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Most people here (Brazil and many countries) have a different and very less nobble perception of kindness. Here if you don't listen or don't fake to agree somehow they saw as lack of respect. Anyway I told both that I have no religion and don't trust on religion.
They often confuse respect someone with respect somone's ideas. And confuse respect ideas with tolerate a idea.

In old days there was religious freak anoying people that wasn't conservative moralist as their views and beliefs. Today you also have left wing modern hippies or hedonist people anoying who don't follow libertine hedonist style.
No surprise teens are getting made, since they are opressed in both sides today. No win situation...

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
There's plenty of deserved criticism of many ideologies and examples of people representing any number of religions, and I don't think confronting theists with hard questions is being unkind. What would be unkind is to let someone continue on without contending with the problems with their philosophy/religion.

The point of developing a philosophy isn't to insulate oneself from competing ideas, but to contend with them to further refine the philosophy. Truth is the aim, not adherence to ideology.

I'm not familiar with the religions that teach that women are inferior or of less value as men. I get that impression from Islam, but I've not read the Koran, so I'm speaking out of ignorance there.
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