I think many religious people need to fear smething or need reward to be good, and can't stand that there is people who are good without need menace or bribe.
Extreme political views can be like a religion, and also some standartizations of behavior among society life style. Some people think that if they need drug or sexual extravagança, everyone else need. If they are irresponsible they want everyone to be just to don't blame themselves.
Humans are very irrational in groups. The groups make people feel power and with power they don't give proper value to reflection and winsdow.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
To that end, I probably annoy one of the people staying with us that is looking for job. She's very driven by emotion and given to liberal ideology (though not the most extreme). I enjoy discussions with her, but she probably gets a bit frustrated sometimes (I'm nearly dead center politically with a tiny nudge towards liberty). At least she acknowledges the many friends she has that abuse social welfare.
That's why drug comsume keeps rising despite information about hazzards and efforts of government and campagnes.
USA's God it's the dollar.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
In the US, the biggest poverty is meaning. We don't physically starve to death, we emotionally starve to death.