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Old 08-07-2019, 05:46 PM   #6424 (permalink)
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The Sun and global warming Part-2

*1982-1984,El Chircon,eruption,Mexico,aerosols cool Earth for two years
*1982,Hansen et al.,publish study on seal-level trends.
*1983 as El Chircon's aerosols peter out,Earth hits a new temperature record.
*1984,Bob Jastrow helps found,George C. Marshall Institute,which will become a creature of the fossil-fuel industry.
*1987 exceeds 1983 heat record,despite being at solar minimum.
*1988 heat waves,drought,worst growing season,$4-billion in farm relief.
*August,1988 candidate, G.H.W.Bush lies to the American people to get elected,says he'll do something about global warming.
* Climate denier,J.Patrick Michaels,begins feeding at western coal utility's trough.
*1988,IPCC established.
*1988,Hansen's 'explosive' climate change testimony before US Senate.
*1988,Hansen's article,Journal of Geophysical Research,presents three scenarios about global warming.(Michael Crichton(medical doctor and author) will later,cherry-pick,and use this material out of context,as part of climate denial strategy in 2004.
*1989,G.H.W.Bush appointee,to Office of Management and Budget rewrites Hansen's main conclusion about global warming,in written testimony submitted to Senate Subcommittee on Science,Technology,and Space,chaired by Senator Al Gore.
*May,1989,Hansen appears before Gore's committee a second time to disavow the testimony rewritten by his bureaucratic overseers.
*1989.Hansen is found to be correct about global warming and hurricane intensification.
*December,1989,Bob Jastrow and fossil-fuel industry goes on attack against Jim Hansen,with disinformation campaign predicated upon solar-forced global warming,with Sallie Baliunas and Willie Soon.Hansen knows their argument is bogus.He's studied,and modelled solar effects since before 1973,and knows that solar variability constitutes only 1/10th the surface energy forcing as anthropogenic greenhouse gases.Solar physicist,John Eddy,who had been courted by Bob Jastrow said Jastrows solar argument was 'preposterous.'
*1989,NASA announces,Mission to Planet Earth,with Earth observation satellites.
*1990,James Hansen begins collaboration with Vostok Station,Antarctica,Vostok ice-core researchers,Re: dust/methane/aerosols.
*1990,Hansen's work proves global warming to be a 'clear and present danger.
*April,1990,NASA,GISS,Hansen's 'Climate Impact of Solar Variability' released.
*April,1990,Hansen predicts a new heat record in 1990-1992.
*November,1990,Hansen's predicted new heat record is established.
*1990,Hansen,et al.,review article,Nature,relates role of sun,dust,greenhouse gases,and human volcano,asserting that they constitute half the climate forcing as anthropogenic greenhouse gases.
*June 12,1991,Mount Pinatubo eruption,lofts 20-million tons of sulfur-dioxide,25.8-km (16-miles) into the stratosphere,where is becomes sulfuric acid droplets,which are blown and distributed globally,cooling Earth into
*1992,NASA's Airborne Topographic Mapper,aircraft begins service.
1993,via the parasol effect.
*September,1991,Hansen et al.,add Pinatubo to their General Circulation Model,which predicts a cooling,then return to record high temps.
*Late 1992,Earth shows almost 0.5-C dip (1-F).
*Mysterious extinctions of amphibians reported in Monteverde Cloud Forest,Costa Rica.
*1995,Pinatubo's aerosols have dissipated,with new heat record set,just as predicted in 1991.
*1998,new heat record.
*1998,Competitive Enterprise Institute begins receiving money from ExxonMobil,which will continue into 2005,after receiving around $2-million.
*1998,George C.Marshall Institute begins receiving funds from ExxonMobil,$630,000 by 2005.
*1999,NASA,GISS narrows in on 'climate sensitivity' at 560ppmv,with 2.70C (4.86-F) for the doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
*August,2000,candidate,G.W.Bush,lies to American public about regulating carbon dioxide from coal-fired power plants,once elected.
*January,2001,James Hansen's car is broken into.
*January,2001,James Hansen's home is burned to the ground.
*February 3,2001,'The job of the Office of Public Affairs,at every level in NASA is to convey the work done at NASA to our stakeholders in an intelligible way.It is not the job of public affairs offices to alter,filter or adjust engineering or scientific material produced by NASA's technical staff.'Michael Griffen,Administer,NASA.
*February 3,2001,'Until I get instructions in writing that tells me I can't talk to you,I am going to continue to speak out.' James Hansen,'On Point,NPR Radio,Friday,February 3,2001
*March,2001,President George W. Bush abandons his campaign promise to regulate coal-fired power plant carbon emissions.
*March,2001,President Bush receives memo from Senators:Hagel,Craig,Helms,and Roberts,to oppose Kyoto,and oppose any and all regulation of carbon dioxide.
*March,2001,President Bush rejects Kyoto Treaty.
*2001,'Conservation may be a sign of personal virtue,but it is not a sufficient basis for sound,comprehensive energy policy,'president' Dick Cheney.
*2001-2006,Senator John McCain,tries in vain to convince President Bush,the importance of global warming.
*2002,Bush Administration establishes Climate Change Science Program.
*2002,Greenland shedding 217-billion tons of ice/year now,equivalent to 56-cubic miles of water a year.
*2002,President Bush obligatory report,under UN treaty obligation,concludes:
warming poses a significant risk and is caused by human activity (which ends up on front page of The New York Times).
*January,2003,NASA launches ICESat,Ice,Cloud,and Land Elevations Satellite.
*early-2003,Sallie Baliunas,Willie Soon,American Petroleum Institute go on climate change attack,sowing disinformation about IPCC 3rd Assessment conclusions of warming over past 1,000-years.
*2003,Global warming is'the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.' US Senator,James Inhofe (R),Oklahoma,on senate floor.
*2003,NASA,GISS,climate modeller,Davis Rind,censored by NASA public affairs,Bush-Cheney appointees,at 'rehearsal' for press conference on remarkable warming trend in Arctic.
*May,2003,Jakobshavn Isbrae Glacier,Greenland,largest outlet glacier, now completely disappeared.
*2003,15,000 dead,Paris,France,heat-wave.
*2004-2050,20% mpg improvement = $2-trillion in oil savings,(never happens)
*May,2004,Greenland,losing 95-gigatons,ice/year.
*October 31,2004,'The opinions and interpretations that I express today are my personal views.I am a government employee,but I am on leave today,I travel here at my expense,and I speak as a private citizen.' James Hansen,'Iowa talk.'
*2004,'....a greenhouse gas-induced warming may lead to a gradually increasing risk in the occurrence of highly destructive category-5 storms.' Thomas Knutson,NOAA,geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory,and Robert Tuleya,GFDL 30-year veteran,paper,Journal of Climate.
*January,2005,Climate denier,Chris Landsea,NOAA National Hurricane Center,quits working group preparing a report for the IPCC,when IPCC leaders refuse his demand for reprimand of firing of lead author,for noting during a media conference call that the hurricane season of 2004 'may well be a harbinger of the future.'
*2005,mysterious extinctions in Costa Rica since 1994 attributed to climate change.
*2005,Competitive Enterprise Institute has now received about $2-million from ExxonMobil
*August,2005,report on link between climate and hurricane intensification,two weeks before Hurricane Katrina,Kerry Emanuel,meteorologist,MIT.
*September,2005,Science,article on climate change and hurricane intensification,four weeks after Katrina.
*September,2005,Pieter Tan,specialist on carbon dioxide measurement,NOAA,is forbidden by NOAA from using the phrase 'climate change' in any of the titles or abstracts for the talks at the conference on atmospheric CO2 he;d organized.He opening disobeys the restriction.
*October,2005,Thomas Knutson,NOAA,GFDL,on record with The Wall Street Journal,that he'd been censored by NOAA public affairs office,prevented a CNBC television interview:Atlantic hurricanes,then his invitation to MSNBC television interview was turned down by the Bush White House.
*November 29,2005,NOAA's lead seasonal hurricane forecaster denies any connection between hurricane intensification and climate change,despite reports of two previous months.He cites connection to a twenty -to-thirty year cycle that's been seen since 1950,even though it's impossible to prove the existence of a 20-to-30 year cycle with only 50-years worth of data!
*Fall,2005,US Senator,(R) Oklahoma,James Inhofe,hires Rush Limbaugh's producer,Marc Morano,as communications director for his committee.
*2005,Michael Crichton(medical doctor,novelist,climate denier) becomes only climate 'expert' consulted by President Bush.Their meeting is arranged by Karl Rove.
*June,2005,Hansen et al.,'Earth Energy Imbalance:Confirmation and Implications,' top 750-meters of oceans warming.Land and oceans absorbing about one-watt more sunlight than it is re-emitting/meter-squared.,means there's an additional 0.6-C (1-F) in the 'pipeline' on top of existing warming if we stop all emissions in 2005.A 6o-degree F world.
*2005,Hansen's Columbia University website draft release,,'Earth's Energy Out of Balance: The Smoking Gun of Global Warming.'
*December,2005,95% consensus on climate change.
*December 8,2005,ABCNews,com,Bill Blakemore article: 95% of scientists agree,temperatures accelerating.
*December,2005,Hansen's 'Keeling Talk' at AGU annual meeting,San Francisco,CA.
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