One doesn’t know if 18-20/mpg is a VALID comparison without details:
Exact vehicle spec
Percent of engine hours at highway speed.
Orbywan did up a Class C a few years back. Great aero work.
ZERO mechanical slop or binding. On a thirty year old vehicle, not likely without thorough examination. Good enough to get down the road isn’t the same. One starts by measuring body height all around (use the Cat Scale).
Reliability is more important than MPG. RVs have at least two electrical systems. Replacing grounds (braided strap) is a basic; do it first. BATT cables are second round of replacements. (Because it’s present doesn’t mean it’s good. Read on subject matter). A Moho has 10X the failure points of a car. Get to reading.
Feedback is a big help for while driving. ULTRA GAUGE or similar.
Seat posture; mirror adjustment; LED exterior lighting.
Sit close. Feet on floorboards behind pedals. Arms should be relaxed at 12:00 on steering wheel. No pressure under thighs near knees. Adjust mirrors to show vehicle sides. Convex mirror more important and needs to be larger (wider).
It’s the little things. In your case it’s three decades of basic neglect. RVs just sit around. MPG is going thru it all. And most work is labor versus parts.