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Old 08-12-2019, 03:40 PM   #238 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by litesong View Post
Question was:
"What non-hybrid returns the 50 mpg highway your Prius is rated at"?
I saw no EPA requirement in the question for non-hybrid cars, just the EPA rating of the Prius. I never could afford a Prius, because of the arrogance displayed by Prius sales-people that would NOT talk to me about lower prices. I see that same arrogance in present website Prius owners, who could afford a Prius & love to look down on non-Prius owners. So I listed ICE vehicles that I have reached 50MPG with (all much cheaper than a Prius) or reports I have read of other people reaching 50MPG or more, with non-hybrid cars.
You gave if's, and's, or but's, to my list, which does NOT negate those cars' abilities to obtain 50MPG.
Because so many non-hybrid ICE drivers(who obtain low MPG?) sneer at Prius drivers, who do obtain high MPG, I do understand why Prius drivers develop sneery attitudes in return. Never-the-less, it must be acknowledged a kinship between ALL drivers, who do obtain high MPG for the particular vehicle they drive. I would hope that those obtaining high MPG for the particular vehicle they drive, would do so in regards to the environment & our future. But I readily accept ANY person's efforts to obtain high MPG with their cars, even if its in a chase for economy records, compared to racers, who chase after speed & acceleration records(at 0.5, 1, 2 or 3 MPG?), or dirt & mud trackers, who revel in wrecking landscape environments.
I use EPA rating to compare vehicles because it is a repeatable lab test. The same cannot be said for individual reports. Can people beat the EPA rate? Sure, it isn't too hard. (I'm beating the EPA rating for my Spark by 26% at the moment) However, those are not repeatable, apples to apples comparisons.

I'm not looking for a Hybrid vs ICE fight here. My original comment was to Redpoint's statement:

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
A hybrid that only travels constant speed on the highway will never recoup the extra cost, because constant highway cruising isn't where hybrid tech helps.
That is just factually wrong. Hybrid technology improves both city and highway fuel economy. The improvement in city economy is much greater than highway but it highway fuel economy is still improved.

I find it pretty amazing that a large car like an Honda Accord can get 48 mpg city and 48 mpg highway. It just shows how much technology is being held back in the Automotive sector today. I suspect we will see almost every car at least a mild hybrid in the next 6-10 years as the price of hybrid technology comes down and the price of building ICE vehicle that meet tightening emission and fuel economy standards increases.

As to the price of of a Prius. Both of mine were purchased used at a pretty steep discount. I sold my 2005 to a guy for $3500. It had 147K miles and nothing wrong with it. I traded the 2009 for $5,500. (115K miles and again, nothing wrong with it.

Hybrids have been out for 20 years now so there is a hybrid for just about any budget if someone wants a hybrid. If you don't that is fine too.
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