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Old 08-14-2019, 05:35 PM   #6504 (permalink)
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Green New Deal

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
socialist dictatorship = Green New Deal. It's part of the discussion. Just like your permalink #6491

Stop spreading lies. The 'Fine People' hoax is thoroughly debunked, and personally I don't think you can say (despite a possibly coerced confession) who was responsible for the death by gray Charger. That was after the death of Michael Hastings so any state level actor could have implemented it.
I tried to look at that,but couldn't deal with the irrational,emotionally-driven,hair-on-fire rhetoric.The parts about carbon mitigation that immediately stood out seemed kinda logical,but then they'd go off onto things which had nothing to do with climate change.
The mechanical engineer in me see's no technological barrier to a carbon-free economy,however,that's a really big issue for purveyors of fossil-fuels,of which I'm directly implicated,via inheritance of oil properties in Oklahoma,which belonged to my maternal grandfather,an oilman in Carter County.
Most everything I mentioned was done in the Republic,either in WW-I,or WW-II.The others would be logical addendums to policy,with a President like Ulysses S.Grant,or Abraham Lincoln,whom understood arithmetic.
Prosecuting a war,whether 'hot',or economic,requires a certain pragmatism,which isn't necessarily politically correct.The US NAVY's shelling of New York City probably wasn't that popular with New Yorkers,but was deemed a necessity when it happened.Ditto for nationalizations,suspension of civil rights,vigilante raids on citizens,etc..That's all part of statecraft.
A declaration of war on climate change might involve some,or all of the things I've mentioned.If you can't sleep with a pea under your mattress,you probably wouldn't like being in a country in a real war.These are issues for people who would have to wear the big boy pants.
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