Originally Posted by Xist
People complain about tax loopholes. Do those benefit any of us?
People complain about boomstick loopholes. Do those benefit anyone?
Politicians always talk about closing loopholes, but it seems like it never happens. Why not?
Excuse me if you have read these anecdotes before, but when I joined the Army I always referred to a specific group as "African American," but they convinced me to call them black. I came home and went back to school where a friend referred to a classmate as "really tan."
I asked "The black girl?"
He paused and uncomfortably responded "Yeah."
I do not want to offend anyone, but if the people offended by me calling blacks blacks are whites, I do not care.
No matter what you do these days, someone will be offended. The key is to be respectful and not really care if someone is offended by the truth.
Also here to say, anyone who wants to take my guns away, legal or otherwise, better be ready to kill me over them. Or in other words, send bachelors and come heavily armed.