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Old 09-12-2019, 06:51 PM   #6856 (permalink)
Master EcoWalker
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Red Devil - '11 Honda Insight Elegance
Team Honda
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I have first hand experience with the next generation - my kids.
They don't care for big things like cars. They really don't care for things period.
They do care for utility - mainly the utility that comes with smartphones and tablets. My daughter was saving for a tablet and fully willing to work for it if need be - no matter how long or hard. After a while my son also got on the band wagon except for the work thing. We bought them a couple of good tablets, half paid with their own savings. They are happy with no regrets whatsoever.

They do care about the environment. I sometimes ask them whether that's because somebody (a.k.a. school) told them to but they insist that they want that themselves, regardless what other people say or do. And if they accidentally leave the tap running or a light on they feel bad about it when they realize it... and I realize how different it was when I was young. Sure I did not (usually) let the tap run unnecessary, but the concern then was money wasted.
My kids don't care about money (except as a means to buy them utilities), but if something is bad for the environment that moves them.
I drive relatively slow to save gas, they never complain. If once in a while I do get up to speed with the faster traffic then they'll comment. They really want to do good, for whatever reason.

And they do have reasons; if the sea level is a meter higher at the end of the century they will probably be around to endure that. The last time the average global temperature was 2 to 3 degrees above 1900 level the sea level was 14 to 16 meters higher than now.
It won't get that high in one century, but even a meter or 2 would flood all current sea ports and many of our metropoles and farmland. Many of the current rich farmlands are in the river deltas at sea level. If the sea rises all of those river deltas flood over; it will take thousands of years before new deltas form at the new level, and it won't happen at all until the rise stops.

Luckily the next generation does not care at all for big things that go broom broom. But we still do, so they will face the consequences of our decisions.
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.

For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to RedDevil For This Useful Post:
aerohead (09-14-2019), NeilBlanchard (09-13-2019), redpoint5 (09-12-2019)