NGK rates their wires to 8,000Ω per meter. My longest wire is 67cm and the multimeter said 6.2.
When I set my multimeter to 20,000Ω, as ChrisFix recommends, does it display kΩ?
8,000 * .67 = 5,360Ω
So, mine is 16% high. I do not remember the other wires, but the shorter the wire, the lower the resistance. Maybe new wires would make the misfires go away--for six days. AutoZone is the only place in my area that sells them.
I had wanted to check for sparks last night, but I really did not want to be awake anymore. I woke up about five and researched cleaning spark plugs and wires. I stopped around 6:15.
It was probably already getting light. I don't know, I covered my window with a campaign sign a year ago, but had I not waited until 6:30, made my brother's breakfast, and then resumed the project, maybe something would have worked out better.
The mechanic would have been less hostile? I would have been less late to work?
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
Last edited by Xist; 12-21-2019 at 06:17 PM..
Reason: campaign sign