Originally Posted by redpoint5
It was a joke. I'm notorious for sarcasm without emojis.
I'm sure Gore is more educated and more intelligent than most people.
I despise Trump exaggeration as much as I despise it from anyone else. The only difference is I expect Trump to use hyperbole nearly all the time, whereas I expect Gore to speak with more precision. The "arms race" of deceptive and dirty tactics to the bottom is not one I think we should engage in. That's how we end up awash in fake news and a public suspicious of everything.
It's an important issue.I can't speak for the scientists,but a few that I've read,say that connecting with the general public is a real challenge.And anyone who receives funding from the National Science Foundation,as a matter of policy,is mandated to interact with the public.
A neighbor,our current president where I live recently retired as a Ph.D.in Environmental Science at the University of North Texas.He's told me about colleagues whom possess zero people skills,and basically hide in their offices when not teaching class.
At Texas Tech, I has a few professors I considered unfit for a classroom environment.
Not an easy situation.
I'm most comfortable with the actual,peer-reviewed research papers.They're completely unfiltered,and with all the human foibles.