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Old 09-18-2019, 03:46 PM   #6904 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I learn best from text too, because it's learn at your own pace, and has been edited many times, unlike verbal communication. That said, most people prefer lecture or sound bites, perhaps because their reading comprehension skills aren't on par with their verbal comprehension skills.

The smartest people aren't necessarily the best teachers. In my view, the professors that aren't good at teaching should just focus on their research. There's a reason why people like Bill Nye (not a scientist) and Neil Tyson are popular with the public, and that's because they make the subject interesting and accessible to the layperson.

What would it take to satisfy your criteria of profiting from something but at the same time not be a "predator"?

In my view, this is an example of why the left is in disarray. If the standard of minimum acceptable behavior requires dying in the street starving, having given everything one has for the environment and social justice, it's a self-defeating position.

Why is Gates responsible for Buffet's actions? How is Gates' philanthropic endeavors and his contribution to software development counted as zero? I can assure you, Gates has counted for more than all of us combined with respect to shaping the world.
Warren Buffet is doing as much as he can to load the atmosphere with carbon dioxide.He'd be a very weird choice for a mentor.Why that doesn't bother Gates says something about the intelligence,awareness,and caliber of his character.
I regularly hear criticism about Micro Soft's choice not to support software,purchased at premium price,and while aging,would otherwise,perfectly support the activities of the owners,now requiring the purchase of upgraded software which possesses solutions to problems people don't have.Their experience is something akin to rape.That's the adjective used.
You didn't mention graduation from the Ayn Rand Institute.They did a good job on you.You come off exactly like a libertarian actuary.Completely devoid of any human compassion.
'Dying in the street'. WOW! Even Gore couldn't top exaggerated,sensationalism like that! I see an academy award coming your way.
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