Originally Posted by RedDevil
"Don't be useless - use less"
If we all improve efficiency (insulate houses, drive less and with more eye on fuel consumption, choose our transport with care to minimize consumption, go smart on food, etc.) we'd save so much energy and resources that we buy ourselves enough time to structurally solve the issues that threaten us.
Also eliminate all military. Eliminate all pro sports, amusement parks, McMansions, golf courses. Personal houses and cars? I have serious doubts that it is smart to even try to build out 2 billion electric cars and their 120TWh worth of batteries or if we would be wiser to skip this intermediate step that will still prove to be too resource intensive. People don't realize that Use-less means everything. Not just what you control or touch in your own life. All infrastructure. That is what becomes divided into the per capita footprint. And less would be about 1/10th the current US throughput and 1/5th for Europeans.