Originally Posted by freebeard
So, four major groups? Thanks, it's hard for me to distinguish the various posters. I read them all in the same voice.  It's all jibber-jabber to me. But let me address the third group:
That's the thing it is new information.
The most productive dinner conversation I've had in decades included the grandchildren of a guy I went to high school (and worked at the feed & seed company) with. Instead of the usual intrafamily squabbling, I led with 'don't believe the teenagers, the world won't end in ten years'. And they went right down the space weather rabbit-hole with me. The mom said she'd never heard they talk about it before. I said nobody was talking about it four years ago, and they hadn't absorb the old way of thinking.
Silent Spring, 1962. A book that jumpstarted public concerns about the environment.
Earth Day 1970. Big media coverage. Prompted Nixon to form the EPA. 49 years ago.
Exxon was a leader in climate change research, producing many papers. 1977 acknowledged fossil fuel's role. Publicly produced denier propaganda after that.
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change). Formed 1988. 31 years ago.
A quick little overview of the history of climate change studies:
I know, I know. It's not as compelling as professional ball-chasing statistics. And reproducing takes much time and energy. It's only about the planet after all.