Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
That is not correct - developing countries have leapfrogged past landlines, straight to cellphones. The IPCC says that we, the nations who exploited fossil fuels, need to help pay for ALL of us to leap forward past fossil fuels. There are so many upsides to renewable energy - mainly massive improvement is health and clean water and air - that we all will benefit by leaving fossil fuels behind.
We all have to do this, more or less at the same time - in order for ANYONE to avoid the huge impending and ACCELERATING challenges of our climate crisis.
I don't think you quoted what you think you quoted. I wasn't talking about cell phones or technology; merely stating the obvious, that economics depends on fossil fuel consumption, and that is why developing countries are given a pass to consume whatever amount it takes for them to be considered "developed". Then they can join the rest of the people in feeling miserable, depressed, self-loathing, and consider themselves no-good exploiters of the oppressed.