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Old 10-04-2019, 09:44 AM   #168 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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If I had a famous youtube chanels I would invitye all TV manufatures, making a challenge to them. I would challenge to present me TV that I don't find to be a garbage.
And I would also challenge all companies who develop video compression system to show me a compressed video I don't find a crap. And I would challenge also to show me a broadcast of digital video in 4K that have true 4K image details, instead of the actual much lower details.

I could entitle it like : Hey home video industry. I challenge you to show me something that it's not a lie.

For me all LCD/LED panels are obsolecent...
I will never watch a entire film in such things. Never !!! I promissed it to myself. It's a matter of dignity.

This guy made a nice didacict video about the problems with video compression. Even maximun bitrate set can't render good images in some cases :

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Sorry, I didn't mean to trigger you all over again; I was just curious.

You'll be pleased to note that it is an obsolescent technology that didn't go anywhere, if only because the screen size isn't scalable. I thought it was interesting due to it's relationship with the proposed color wheel standard that lost to NTSC.

redpoint5 was referring to the variable post count per page.

Last edited by All Darc; 10-04-2019 at 09:49 AM..
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