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Old 10-05-2019, 01:46 AM   #13 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Thorium-Synfuel View Post
Though on the power-train swap, out from the bi-fuel '0.9 natural power' and into the Geo-metro/suzuki cultus. It seems to make the most sense for fuel savings and the environment, doing CNG driving, if or when the CNG injection into the grid becomes 'renewable'/carbon neutral.
Biomethane makes a lot of sense, as it's possible to be produced with agricultural residues, sewage and domestic waste. Might become more important regarding the biological stability of carbon and nitrogen cycles than running a fleet of EVs.

I might just have to enquire from the 0.9L flat twin guys on the forum? if the same engine, once the turbo is removed, also runs on CNG and what is the necessary lay-out, on swapping over and then importing CNG tanks and lines and such.
That's a parallel-twin, not a flat-twin. But anyway, either with natural aspiration or forced induction, converting a port-injection engine to CNG is not rocket-science.

Anyway, here are some engine bay videos of the 0.9L flat twin engine, albeit showing the unfortunately ubiquitous 0.9L-turbo-model, it overall depicts the engine to have the suitable kind of dimensions to fit into a Geo-metro(or CRX HF), pretty easily, what do you think?
Not so sure how easy it would fit, but it does seem suitable.
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