Sites like Mr. Money Mustache are dedicated to the concepts you mentioned concerning living frugally and well below your means. The thing is, people are either savers or spenders. I've always naturally lived below my means because I'd rather have opportunity (money in the bank) than the latest widget or to be seen as trendy.
As I say, spend money on things you use often and enjoy the most. I generally buy 1 or 2 generations old technology which is vastly cheaper. Much of the depreciation has occurred by then.
I don't get ban culture. Who cares what people said when they were kids. Further, how in the world is generalized bigotry worse than actually being hateful towards individuals? If someone said that 1/4 Japanese are the worst people on Earth, why would I care? Now if someone struck me in the face because they hate me personally, that matters. Words matter, but actions matter more. Donating over a million is a true testament of character and goodwill.