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Old 10-10-2019, 06:38 PM   #13 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Andyinchville1 View Post
I thought the diesel Prius would be cool because you see so many videos with Ford's rolling coal against a Prius they will be fun to give them a taste of their own medicine a Prius rolling coal on the ford!

A Prius rolling coal against a regular Prius would also be kind of funny!
I like Diesel engines, and some of those coal-rolling videos are somewhat funny, but honestly I'm not into it. I have been more inclined to Diesel due to the efficiency and the alternate fuels usage.

Of course with my Twisted sense of humor I would like to buy a Tesla sell all the guts out of it and turn it into a gasser and go to a Tesla dealer complaining of it running roughly and watching their jaws drop to the floor when they see a big ol V8 in it... or maybe not a V8 necessarily just an internal combustion engine of some sort..
Some hybrid setup maybe...

Theoretically diesel would be cheapest to run because you can actually make your own fuel whether it be black diesel straight vegetable oil or biodiesel...
Yesterday I had a talk about converting Volkswagen engines to use vegetable oils with an Argentinian who owns a T4 Transporter.
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