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Old 10-15-2019, 08:11 PM   #12 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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I once, in other forum, called the ignorant people who hostilyze me, telling the story I told here in Ecomodder, of savages (aborígenes) and a left wing woman acuse me of racism. She stoped all dicussion, where she had few arguments, and insisted I was racist. This is a example of left wing brainwashing on Brazil.
What anoys me is not these people, but where they come from. If they came from popular brainwashing by groups of idiots, like KKK came from, I would not be so worried. But they came from universities. If our intelectual institutions are so dumb... what future have this country? Teacher became political tools and turning people into idiots.
I'm not saying right wing fanatics are right, since I found them so bad in many circunstances.

Your fat cousin may change idea after a heart attack. Fat people need respect and help to get better, since it's a disease that can kill. What left wing is doing it's just as dumb as fight prejudice against HIV carrier people by promoting HIV infection as nice.
Some extremist feminst are already promoting herpes and other sex transmitted disease.

Leftwing extremist are their own worst enemy, since that their extremist created things (responses) as Trump and Bolsonaro. I use to say that both are another mess that left wing created.

Japs are smarter as shows worldwide IQ statistiqs, culture of disciplin and maybe also due genetics, and also jews. I see you are good with languages, and that's often with jews. Black peple had less time of civilization evolution for high IQ genes be more spreaded than genes for haunting. WHen societies evoluted the smarter people start to spread more the genes linked to inteligence, since they got more respect and more chances.

Black culture also don't help. It was a primitive culture on Africa and they got slaved, mixed different tribes, suffered a lot of agression and got agressive as result having a agressive culture, and so their culture values are not good to estimulate inteligence development. Some scientists conjecture they have more incidence (in average society) of genes linked to physical strenght and agressivity. They have difficult in save money even when get some. Tendency to self reward instead of save or invest. Maybe there is a genetic factor. Hunters (more often in old Africa culture) had no need to save food, while in agriculture you need cooperation with others and need to stock and save food for times with no rain or no harvest.
And there is also real racism, real suffering from race discrimination. Some people use racism as escuse to everything, but this do not mean racism, true racism, don't exist.
There is no logic reason to say blacks and whites or mixes, have the same potential. It's a poor judment in the same way as state blacks are inferior. Only in future, after all genes linked to intelligence be isolated and studies, we will be able to tell how and how much the genes affects black people problems. Our will, be from hate or simpaty towards blacks, are no scientific data to determine inteligence true factors.

Theories difficult to prove. Genetics vary much more from individual to individual than from one race (ethinicity) to another ethinicity. The racism against blacks can't be used to judge individuals, as there is a lot of great blacks people too, and also many stupid horrible white people.

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
Even if you use some reference to other animals, or simply refer to annoying people regardless of race as "savages", there will be someone trying to make it sound troublesome...

Too bad one of my cousins who is fat embraced the "fat-positive" bandwagon...

I doubt any unsatisfaction against our current president Jair Bolsonaro will ever reach the same extent that it reached against PT and its satellites... But anyway, regardless of political affiliations, anyone who embraces the "eternal victimhood" ideology embraced by the left wing becomes annoying to some extent. You don't see so many Japs whining about the way their ancestors were enslaved by debt when they were brought to Brazil to pick coffee and seeking for so-called "reparations", for example, and neither Jews trying to hold every German, Italian or Japanese accountable for what Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito did in WW2. Now that everyone is supposed to be free and have chances to succeed by oneself's own endeavour, there is no reason for all the left-leaning attempts to single-out people by race or other biological features such as being male or female.

Last edited by All Darc; 10-15-2019 at 08:40 PM..
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