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Old 10-17-2019, 09:03 PM   #27 (permalink)
All Darc
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CRT, the best ones, can have glossy image without clipped whites and crushed shadows. I could enjoy contrast without lose details in hilightrs and shadows. That's why I deeply hate LCD, cause LCD have a washed out image (fadded look) or a clipped crushed contrast image.
I hate when people tell me LCD (LED) it's fine and it's me who can't calibrate it, since they forgot or ignore LCD cannot be calibrated to remove clipped and crushed tones without make the image washed out.

I feel like Charlton Heston in the movie The Omega Man, where everyone was infected by a deadly virus or became vamopires, except hin. But in my case everyone on Earth got blinded to dynamic range, except me.

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
I don't really hate non-CRT screens, at least not to the same extent you seem to do, but I used to be satisfied with CRT when I still had to rely on them on a nearly-exclusive basis. Didn't even get impressed when I had my first LCD computer monitor. Well, sometimes I still get angry when I remember the day I was moving back to Porto Alegre from Florianópolis and my father gave nearly all of our old TVs to a guy who worked at the condominium we were living prior to my move. Among those, there was a 14" Sharp older than me which was still working great, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's still working in someone else's home with a digital converter...
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