Originally Posted by Natalya
LOL do those people not deserve to live? How many people need to die before the threshold is reached to do something about this pollution? Is there a magic number? Are the lives of other living breathing human beings less valuable than some "pain" at the gas pump? Is paying an extra 30 cents for a gallon of gas a "punishment" so intolerable that it warrants the deaths of others?
I'd rather donate 60 cents a gallon to an organization actively working to improve the living conditions of humans, than 30 cents a gallon to the government, of which only a fraction of it will do anything.
Redpoint did a good job of expounding on what I didn't really have the time to say. I won't repeat it for risk of redundancy.
Originally Posted by Natalya
Yeah when pigs fly right?
So what are we going to do then, force people to be charitable through government regulations? Look at history; the more control the government has over a person's personal freedom, belongings, money, etc., the poorer the nation usually is and the quicker it is to fall.
Straw man/slippery slope argument, etc., possibly, but while yes, this is just one regulation, but then it becomes one more, and one more, and then one more, until you have total governmental dictatorship, initiated by an ignorant population that willingly submitted themselves to an unrevealed tyranny.
Not going to engage in a debate on this topic as that will derail from the thread, but consider examples such as Venezuela, and the former USSR and Nazi Germany. How many lives have been lost due to all that?