Originally Posted by redpoint5
...as to MPG guy; the way he phrased the response was either intended to provoke a reaction, which you provided, or perhaps he doesn't actually care that much.
Once or twice a year I come in here and post something to ruffle the feathers of the wonderful collection of climate deniers and paranoid conspiracy theorists we have in the ecomodder lounge forum. I don't have the energy or time or patience to fight with the people in here all the time and I know I won't get any backup because this is an echo chamber for people like you.
And yes you in particular redpoint, I have read many of your posts over the years, and as far as I can tell you seem to think you've got everything figured out on all kinds of topics and you know what's best. And you probably have enough financial stability and confidence that in your life you may never experience a comeuppance or defeat that may challenge your perspective on things or give you a sense of humility. And you aren't even unique in that respect. There are countless others like you who walk through their lives sure of themselves and everything because it all works out perfectly in your minds, but at the end of the day we are just over evolved monkeys and you're no exception. You don't have a monopoly on wisdom just because you have an easier time putting words together or you have undentable confidence. And you can use that to swat me away as though I am an annoying fly. And you can say "oh look you reacted to this post see i triggered you" and discount everything I say, but just because you are unshaken doesn't mean you actually know anything or are right about any of the topics discussed in this thread, or the other ones I've read where you weighed in.