Originally Posted by nemo
Here in the south batteries in new vehicles last about 2 years. All the batteries in newer cars in recent memory have just died, no slow to turn over, just like yours park it next time wont start. Suspect under hood temperature biggest destroyer of batteries here.
May want to have the alternator output checked also, can cook or under charge a battery.
I’m four years into my current battery for the 06’ V6 Accord living in Hotlanta! It seems close to end of life, but I just did a little tune up on it, which should help extend useful life. Here is my engine blanket setup, it helps shield the battery from the heat. Next battery I’m going to shim with foam to brace it from vibration as well. If I can find some cell covers with remote gas venting, that would be a further bonus. The positive cable frequently grows some corrosion.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
How are the electrolyte levels? The lead plates should not be exposed to air at all.
Thanks for reminding me! I kept meaning to do this. Just checked and the first cell closest to the positive terminal was just high enough to keep the plates covered, but all other cells appeared to have the correct level. I also discovered that my negative cable was loose. The car was taking longer to start than usual, this little tune up should really help. Hoping for 5 years!