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Old 11-05-2019, 04:26 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Piotrsko View Post
Like I posted earlier: get a fluid analysis done.

That will tell exactly what is in the fluid, like band material, chunks of gears with serial numbers, bananas, whatever.

IF there's nothing abnormal then you're not destroying your transmission no matter what anyone says.

You can either worry or be proactive.
Thank you. That's a great idea, I will look into that. However, I am reasonably sure I am not doing damage to my transmission simply by raising the line pressure, although I could be wrong and it would be nice to know for sure. I do not normally shift it with the converter locked, I only did a few times.

So the problem is if I have the fluid analyzed and everything is okay (which is what I would expect), I still don't know if leaving the converter locked while it shifts is harmful because I don't normally do that. I would have to allow it to shift locked for a few thousand miles and have the fluid analyzed again to know that. And I don't know what kind of damage could be done if I regularly shift with a locked converter and I would really rather not ruin the transmission I just bought and installed in my only functional car.

Also, I plan to install a magnetic inline filter because I recently replaced the magnetic drain plug with a temp sensor for my new transmission temp gauge, which is probably bad since these transmissions don't have a real filter. I am not sure how that would affect the fluid analysis though.
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