People whop blame goverment politic (of not legalize drugs) for the violence and killing of drug dealer and drug cartels, are just as silly like say the goverment should give free cars to make people stop steeling cars.
Many rock celebrities, and hollywood star, are guilty for glamorize drugs and turn stupid teens interested on it.
People today have no character and don't take responsabilities for what they do. They act by convennience. If they want to use they create numeroues excuses, but if they kill someone under inflkuence of drugs, they change mind to avoid jail, and start to teel everyone it was a msitake and that was the drug and not hin who commited the crime.
These cartel's leaders are seeds of evil. They need to be executed. No jail for such cold blood murders who kill even children.
Originally Posted by RedDevil
It is like All Darc says - stop using drugs and the cartels lose their main source of income.
The problem is not just with the provider. It is the clients that keep giving them money.
Somehow some people still think it is cool to use drugs; they look no further than their own pleasure. But they are responsible for the misery widespread drug trafficking causes, with all the corruption and dysfunctional governmental and police agencies in Latrin America as they get overwhelmed by the drug cartels.
Hundreds of millions of people live in misery because of drug trade. How 'cool' is that?
It may be impossible to completely defeat all drug use.
There seem to be some cases where cannabis could help, like in reducing the effects of MS. So maybe legalize and regulate the mildest forms, but educate the people about the havoc illegal drug trade causes.