Originally Posted by freebeard
Breakage happened at all steps, cause silicon wafers are fragile, machines go out of tolerance, and people are clumsy. I used "breakage" in quotes to imply yield loss too. Perhaps flatness was out of spec, and the wafer goes to repolish... if it doesn't make spec before it gets too thin, it gets scrapped. Even if it doesn't get scrapped, putting a product back through a process consumes resources (human time, machine time, energy, chemicals...) and represents a loss.
Funny the bay area complaining about Tesla's hazardous substances when they don't mind human waste classified as a biohazard on the sidewalks. There's no money in cleaning up that, though. Tesla needs to abide by regulatory laws, joking aside.
It seemed crazy to me that Tesla chose among the highest cost, highest red-tape area to open up shop.