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Old 01-22-2020, 10:27 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Pope Pious the Prius - '13 Toyota Prius Two
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90 day: 51.62 mpg (US)

Tycho the Truck - '91 Toyota Pickup DLX 4WD
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I do think EV home charging will reprogram people to despise refueling at petrol stations.
I already despise refueling at places where I can't pump it myself. I spent a week in New Jersey this past summer and didn't gas up once while there, despite driving into the state, driving around Trenton and Princeton all week, and then driving back out. Same last time I was in Oregon in 2016--got on 84 south of Richland, WA, and drove straight through to Boise. I suppose now, most of the stops on that route you can pump your own gas.

Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
If your getting a gas hybrid consider the additional taxes title and registration.

You may be better off with a standard economy box or if your gonna pay the fee anyway get a PHEV.

$100 buys around 50 gallons of fuel and 3500 miles of driving in my Insight
That Ohio fee, like others, is some BS. If you drive a 20 mpg truck 15,000 miles/year, you'll end up paying $78 more in gas taxes with the $0.105 hike. If you drive a 50 mpg hybrid, you'll pay an extra $31 in addition to the $100 registration fee--nearly twice as much as the truck. That's not evening the playing field; it's penalizing drivers of fuel-efficient vehicles disproportionately.
UIUC Aerospace Engineering

Last edited by Vman455; 01-22-2020 at 10:37 AM..
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