Looks like half of [Ant]arctic warming between 1955 and 2005 was caused by CFCs
I was reminded of your post when I listened to Scott Adams Episode 799 just now. He can really be
infuriating when he acts all authoritative on the climate; while showing no knowledge about the advances in sensor technology (GOES 16) and the data release ahead of the IPCC's upcoming report.
OTOH his interview with Clearview.ai investor David Scalzo yesterday, tells me it's time to break down and get a smartphone because the police are just the early adopters, soonish everyone will be walking around with this in their pocket.
What David Brin calls sousveillance:
As for the Chi-coms, bat soup may have been a distraction from the fact that China's lost 40% of their pig population already.
Another Obama Solar Company Burns Out – DC Solar Owners Plead Guilty to Largest Ponzi Scheme in Eastern California History