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Old 01-30-2020, 01:33 PM   #55 (permalink)
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I presume I must have mentioned that at some point, that I don't recall. I gathered some parts for a gravity watermill for my friends that live upriver. They have year-round water flow in a creek that feeds the EWEB power canal that parallels the McKenzie River.

I collected a doghouse and cut a hole in the top for the collector and a 1hp Fisher-Paykel washing machine motor for the generator. It's undersized (I believe) but I thought it would be sufficient to collect data for the first year.
Two outboard motor propellers to choose from that would need the tips trimmed back to fit the downpipe. A 25ft 1" hex bar for a driveshaft.

Missing were the downpipe and some way to attach it to their broken-down dam that exists with about 8ft of head.

They've never recovered from their Trump Derangement Syndrome and blame me for their unhappiness even though I support Tulsi Gabbard. So I hauled all the parts (save the 25ft hex bar) up and left them, and wished them luck.

I still consider them friends (for decades) but they can't be in a room with me without getting angry. So sad.
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