Originally Posted by Hersbird
I refuse to stand in line again. If there is a line I go somewhere else. Road construction may be my Achilles heal as they trap you in that. Google maps helps a lot with that and traffic backups in general. Say I'm leaving work and there is an accident with no good way around, I'll just go to the store, sit and listen to a podcast, whatever, but I'm not getting in the line. I spent 11 years in the navy and I swear 3 of them were just standing in one line or another. We used to joke if you can across a line you might as well get in it even if you had no idea what it was for. It's just something they will send you to sooner or later. I've waited 3 hours in a line just to make a 15 min phone call.
I'd think living in Montana makes one particularly intolerant of lines. I dealt with it regularly living in the Portland area, but now that I live in Silverton I have much less patience for them. Rush hour here is 3 people ahead of you at the stop sign instead of 0.
Prison sounds similar to military service.
I used to take a nap immediately after evening count (after 10 hours of landscaping), and the guys would line up for an hour waiting for chow to be called. Once called, the room would go from 110 guys talking, laughing, yelling, to dead silence. The silence would wake me up, and I'd leisurely make my way to chow. Once released for chow, a line still forms in the mess. Some guards would ask if I'm not eating, or why I didn't follow everyone else down right away. It was one line I could minimize my wait time in.
I waited 3 hrs in line when Splash Mountain was new.