Okay I've had them for about 2½ weeks now. At 62 PSI they MIGHT have a small hit on MPG but the weather is incredibly variable recently so it's hard to tell is it the tires or is it the cold? Also, traffic has not been predictable.
They are barely quieter than RE92s at highway speed.
I have better traction, but I also have tire tread now. XD
LTO current hack is ruining my MPG.
Because the car goes vroom vroom now and you can actually accelerate.
So I waste energy doing that.
I've been trying the PHEV method of charging it most nights for a couple hours before I go to sleep. I've been writing some Arduino code to manage the charging automatically. I'll post when I get that finished and installed.
I divided my garage entry into a 2017 - 2019 entry and a new 2020 entry so the fuel log doesn't get too small to read.