Sure, Nasa can add some laser to the Soyus capsule, lasers able to pop 150 black baloons in 10 seconds.
I'm sure they are no match for us...
By the way this symbol looks like the United Federation of Planets :
Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
We've got a plan, though.

Aliens would be surprised about how we came so far, reach Moon, genetic engineering, robotics, being such a sc-umbag species. ABout how we split so far technic though from moral tought.
There is nothing moral in religion. Take off the "powerfull alpha chimp" who would punish or kill everyone, and people are left nothing.
About rational thought... well... it's about what is less irational... less ilogic...
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Aliens will be quite surprised to discover humans considering how uncommon moral beings are. Morality isn't essential to life.
Morality must come from religious belief because of the problem of defining something from nothing.
It's like asking how we know that rational thought is rational. You can't prove it's rational without just assuming it is. We take it on faith that being rational is good. The few people that claim to not believe in truth, morality, and reason are in disarray and live in chaos. Claiming there is no truth is a truth statement.