Originally Posted by redpoint5
I don't know why you are not an actuary or data analyzer instead of a speech pathologist. In your free time you play with numbers. Might as well get paid to do it.
I love doing speech therapy, but I do not know how to make a career out of it. I am supposed to know if I am accepted into grad school in about two weeks and I am very stressed about completing that. I am also stressed about leaving Mom and my brother even two months each summer.
I took her to the E.R. a couple of weeks ago and the doctor said that had she come in a couple of hours later we could have lost her.
The summers-only program is the slow track, so there is less of a chance that she will be around when I complete it, or at least able to take proper care of my brother.
She mentioned yesterday that I may need to put my brother in a group home in order to complete my program.
I have worked in a number of group homes. I have committed to never allow him to go to one.
I may need to pursue a different line of work to support him, so it is good to have ideas.