Sorry... but these are no excuse for a culture be a SOSB (son of...) with many other and steal their land and promote genocide. It's no different that a bunch of some old "excuses", like hate jews due the death of Crist or due what a few jew bankers did in recession time. No different that people who try to justify slavism by saying some tribes on Africa selled other tribles's people to europeans.
We could say USA or specially Brazil have their inside wars, criminality unjustice, and a more advanced civilization could use this to try to destroy both countries, if we took your argument as correct.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Indians already had their own tribal wars before getting in touch with the whites. The same applies to Sub-Saharan Africa.
I remamber when you told about your ancestor in such tribe, in other thread. The people in my city are like those tribes, or like eskimo. They see a refuse to their daughter as a direct offense or a signal of war. The entire of our sh...t country, Brazil, it's like that somehow, but in my city they took it a a direct offense, even religious people who was suposed to have strong morals agaisnt sexual debauchery. I would like that they at least had character, courage to tell me what they acuse me, but they would never tell me their, daugther, sister, friend was interested in me and I "dishonored her" by refusng. I would like they tell me just to me ask them why they feel ok a cretin to up with her and then dispose her as a empty beer can on trash, like many people do these days and nobody complain or make trouble with them, but have more anger when a harmless guy like me refuse to mix with such culture/"values" and manners.
They almost accuse me of witchcraft, when a crazy (or stupid) woman (dentist & KravMaga fighter) said to her female friend to not look on me cause she would fall for me. That time I got the quote entirelly, as she speak loud even when wisper and the block was quiet, no sond polution. Other previous times I got other people saying "don't look", but didn't heard the reason.
A good deal of sexism starts when women tolerate bad man and atack good man. If I was a scoundrel women would respect me. If I had f...cked and dipose such women as trash, instead of ignored, their family/relatives /close friends wouldn't be so angry against me.
It start early in the way women, in the role of mothers, created theys sons.
Interesting when the cretin field of psychology use to say that if society run that way, there is nothing to do, to adapty, in other words, they lick the boots of status quo. But when it's about thew tematic of fashion, feminism or racism, things change, and they say that it's needed to fight against this or that, but don't look the bad side of female, just males.
It's all about power. WHen something get power, (movies industry, pop culture) they decide to move and fight, otherwise they just reinforces the sick status quo.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
One of my ancestors was a French man who AFAIK initially settled in Rio Grande do Sul and used to travel with tropeiros who took mules to be sold in Sorocaba. In one of those trips, he was taken by Indians who delivered him as some sort of trophy for their cacique's daughter somewhere in what would later become Mato Grosso or Mato Grosso do Sul. We usually see feminazis ranting about miscigenation being "based on rape" and some other overstated BS, but they don't talk anything about native women getting a white husband as some sort of trophy.