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Old 02-28-2020, 01:22 PM   #18 (permalink)
home of the odd vehicles
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Menards about 5 years ago used to list a $9999
4.5 car garage with a side entry door that looked “house like” it was tall with the roof having dormers and windows.

I planned (based on its height and dimensions) to place it on a floating slab with a 3 foot cement block wall, this elevation in height would allow me to wall off one side, dormer one garage door and end up with a 2 story.

Despite everything being laid out in plans and passing code the town would refuse to look at it claiming no matter what anything starting as a garage could never be allowed to start.

This despite the concept being larger than most local homes and being designed per code.

Slab and all would have been under $20k, the lot I was looking at was only $500

Sadly Menards lists a lot of random local 3rd party products, don’t even remember who was offering that prefab.
I can’t imagine inflation making a simple stick built square costing much more today.
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Xist (02-28-2020)