Originally Posted by Xist
How many American houses would be considered precarious by Brazilian standards?
You only ate as well as you did in the war because Dick Cheney's old company had a no-bid, cost based contract to feed you. Your combat vehicle and your personal weapon were built by the lowest bidder. New home construction and inspections are subject to even less oversight than those pathetic standards. Unless specifically proven otherwise on every count, I assume that any random $#*+hole country* cares more for its citizens' lives than my own government cares for mine**.
* Brazil is not a $#*+hole country.
** As a white male voter in New Hampshire who is not a member of either party, I am politically one of the most important people on the planet every four years (and scarily over-represented in Congress the rest of the time). So by "mine" I really mean "some random Joe in flyover country".