Originally Posted by redpoint5
Don't know if you've been following the CV thread RD, but it's already pretty much everywhere.
If you do you'll know I do. My post was a response to the poster above, who hates New Yorkers and saw COVID-19 as their problem only.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Regarding climate change, a unilateral fight against global warming is worse than doing nothing. A unilateral fight just means that country's people suffer while non-participating countries prosper. Sounds like a thinly veiled ploy to achieve a Marxist dream of "leveling the playing field" by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. We'll ultimately end up failing to achieve a solution to the problem of global warming, because that was never the interest in the first place, and as a bonus, we'll all be equally miserable living the Communist utopia.
The common view here in Europe is that we're the ones fighting to save the climate while the oil producing countries and the US in particular are lagging badly with extremely high carbon emissions per capita, far worse in fact than your favorite hated commies.
How can you accuse others of non-participating...?
That said, we are far from perfect, and it is not a contest. Every measure against global warming helps, no matter where.
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lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.
For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.