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Old 03-27-2020, 09:17 PM   #94 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ecky View Post
So, as I understand it, unemployment is normally capped at 2/3 of your salary in the best quarter of the last 12 months, up to a maximum of $430 per week, which is around $10.75 an hour full time equivalent. However, this bill will be giving a flat extra $600 per week to everyone collecting unemployment, and remove the need to be looking for a job (though honestly how could that be enforced right now). $1030 / 40 = $25.75, and you'd have needed to be making around $33,500 per year before getting laid off to collect the full amount.
Unemployment insurance is run by states and varies from state to state. The number of weeks you can collect varies. (NC is the lowest at 12 weeks and Massachusetts is the longest at 30 weeks) The amount you can collect is based on income but is also capped. (Mississippi has the lowest cap at $235 week and Massachusetts has the highest at $790 per week)

People will get what they would normal get from their state + the $600 a week from the Feds. That is HUGE. When I was laid off in 2008/2009 the federal stimulus bill kicked in an additional $20 a week but Alabama refused to take the Federal money to fund it. I got the max of about $225 a week. I don't know if states can refuse to hand out the extra $600 a week this time.

Just a note - you do have to pay incomes taxes on unemployment. They will either withhold taxes from your weekly check or give you the full amount and leave it to you to pay a lump sum when you file your taxes. Also, a warning, if you under withhold taxes by more than 10% the IRS charges a penalty

Weeks of benefits and max benefit per state:
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