Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Oh, that is assuming you are using domestic oil.
How do you think the gasoline components get heated to around 300F and fractionally distilled off, the gasoil/diesel components get heated 600 to 900F for hydrocracking, the lighter compounds get hydroformed into heavier chemicals?
You do realize the process burns some of the oil to create finished product right?
Have you ever been around an oil refinery they stink.
You want to talk about emissions, start at the refinery.
That oil didn't miracle it's self into finished products at the gas station.
Sure, but this is going to be the case for ANY vehicle that runs on gasoline, or by extension any vehicle that uses any parts whose creation required any energy. Or heck, any object produced in our economy. Follow supply lines back and somewhere SOMEONE is burning gasoline. Best way to reduce emissions is to not spend any money, to not consume anything or buy anything new. Even batteries and electric motors.