Meh, I actually feel like more isolationism would help a lot of western countries that import tons of labor. Trade will always go on, comparative advantage is far too great a force to be overcome by some puny tariffs, but making it less easy to import labor would make countries think harder about their education system (and really all of domestic policy).
The "they took er jerbs" excuse goes away and people start training the correct amount of people for various jobs. Can't point the finger outside if domestic workers are explicitly being protected.
Saying this is almost sacrilege in Asia but India/China/Korea/etc. which send lots of students and STEM labor to the West maybe would need to reconsider their education as well if all those engineers stayed back home and create an oversupply, or maybe they can prove the AI = loss of jobs theory wrong if they can productively utilize them.
Last edited by serialk11r; 04-01-2020 at 10:21 PM..