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Old 04-16-2020, 01:20 AM   #32 (permalink)
oil pan 4
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Originally Posted by JSH View Post
I watched the make $269,000 a year working only 900 hours you linked. There are massive problems with his plan. The biggest:

1. You can go from 0 to 300 of these a year
2. Each gig will only take 3 hours of your time
3. You can sell this package for $900

The reality is more like: You can buy a $5000 camera, hustle to get maybe one gig a week, you will need take time from your real job to do this because realtors show houses on the weekends and you want to do these scans in the daytime so the house doesn't look like a cave. Also you will need to drop everything you are doing when you land a gig because every homeowner expect their property to be listed in a day. You will be lucky to sell this package for $300 - $400 so after 2-3 years you will have paid of the $5000 camera that he recommended you buy on a credit card. The idea that you can sell still photos of the house for $300 and a 6 second drone video for $200 is nuts.

However "Buy this $5,000 camera on a credit card and break even in 3 years of working 1 day a week doesn't generate the clicks.

Does he have a $5,000 camera? He says he does but he could just as easily borrowed it for a day to shoot the video. That stuff happens all the time. 10 years ago back when I was a Product Manager for a line of utility vehicles we would loan them out to sportsman shows free of charge with the stipulation that a couple of good shots make it into the final video. The name of the game is product placement.

A quick search say 50,000 youtube views are worth about $71. This page says he averaged 97K views per video and did 55 videos in the last month. $140 per video x 55 videos = $7,700 a month. Not bad but also not the $269,000 he says he could make working only 900 hours a year doing 3D house scans.

Thank you and same to you. However, I wish no harm come to Freebeard. He keeps things lively.
That sounds reasonable.
Only time the "as seen on tv" hype might come any where close to being met might be if you live in a super hot real estate area like san Francisco or any market where people are so desperate they will buy a house with out looking at it in person.
This would require you be the go to drone guy for several realtors.
But then when the toilet flushes on that market you will be broke for up to several years.
I think those insane high numbers came from what the producer of one of those HGTV shows payed a drone person. The drone guy probably took dozens of pics and several videos to land the unusually rare $900 payout.
1984 chevy suburban, custom made 6.5L diesel turbocharged with a Garrett T76 and Holset HE351VE, 22:1 compression 13psi of intercooled boost.
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2011 leaf SL, white, portable 240v CHAdeMO, trailer hitch, new batt as of 2014.

Last edited by oil pan 4; 04-16-2020 at 01:32 AM..
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