Originally Posted by freebeard
The best potential improvement would be to project the curve of the shed's top corners to the forward ends of the outer trusses. This would be a simple curve.
Else you could start with a triangle and bend the tips or slit and overlap as necessary to make a shallow cone shape.
For the face sheet, it looks like the leading edge of the center truss just kicks up a bit too much, closer to 1/8" when trial-fit to the truck versus the 1/4" measure on a bench. I'm confident I can remedy this by drilling out the rivets connecting it to the rear panel and shimming it before re-riveting it.
My plan for the side panels is to make them flat 1/8" aluminum, bottom-hinged, sloping to continue the taper of the cab. Once I get those in place and working well, I'll make face panels for them (fastened from behind) that can ease the transition to the top corners, I think your projected curve idea would serve well there, and easy enough to do with a non-corrugated CAD pattern.
These side panels would be able to be removed and/or reshaped in the future when I re-taper the profile of the cap in the more radical phase, keeping the deflector well-suited to that future shape.