I'm not one that would typically entertain conspiracy theories. The 12-18 month timeline we're given for a vaccine includes the time it takes to incubate it in millions of chicken eggs and render it to the public. It's possible there are preliminary vaccines available that haven't undergone this mass manufacturing process, let alone the studies required to give confidence that they are adequately effective.
What I'm saying is there's some small chance that those who are in close proximity to the president may have been vaccinated with an early prototype. I don't think this actually is the case, but it's within the realm of reason. Mostly I doubt that possibility because the leftist reporters would not be able to contain such a juicy story that a vaccine is available, but Trump is withholding it from anybody not in his circle.
In general I figure secrets made between more than 1 person are more likely than not to become known to others. Heck, many criminals aren't able to keep a secret only know to themselves a secret.