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Old 04-21-2020, 06:57 PM   #851 (permalink)
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I'm not putting together the connection with conspiracy analysis though.
It's tenuous at best. The connecting link is vote by mail. What's your favorite whackadoodle theory? Mine is the Hungarian Space program:
Originally Posted by DDG
Did Yugoslav Space Technology Sold by Tito Help Put ...
Did Yugoslav Space Technology Sold by Tito Help Put America in Space? By Paul Bradbury 7 March 2016 . YouTube screenshot. ... In March 1961, Yugoslavia sold its secret space program to USA. Two months later, Kennedy announced USA will go to the Moon. Houston, We Have a Problem! is a film by young Slovenian director Žiga Virc and it is his ...

Houston, We Have a Problem! (film) - Wikipedia!_(film)
Houston, We Have a Problem! (Slovene: Houston, imamo problem!) is a 2016 internationally co-produced docufiction-mockumentary film by Slovene director Žiga Virc. The film explores the myth of the secret multibillion-dollar deal behind the United States' purchase of Yugoslavia's clandestine space program in the early 1960s. It is based and inspired by numerous real events and facts, in the ...
Long story short Tito didn't trust Stalin. Yugoslavia became the most prosperous Eastern Bloc country about that time, as I remember. And the Paperclip Nazis were sabotaging the Air Force program so it was the Army that got the goods.


"We choose to go back to the Moon and do the other things – not because they are easy, but because they are cool!"

Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

“You belong to Universe” -- the voice in Bucky Fuller's head

Last edited by freebeard; 04-21-2020 at 07:07 PM..