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Old 09-19-2008, 08:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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Exclamation Mechanics : need advice on a "mistake"

Hey folks. I posted this topic earlier :

I finally took the car into a new shop down the street. I told the fellow that I needed the CV boots replaced. He said he could replace the boots as well as the shaft for under $ 350 dollars, which was around $ 100 less than the other shop I had been to before.
This sounded good, but I should have known that he was talking about another part on the car.
I picked up the car at closing time, signed on the dotted lines, shook the guys hand and drove off.
The car drives really strange now, but I thought it just needed time to wear in.
When I pulled in to the drive, I turned the wheel and looked under the car.
Plain as day, the CV boots were still there all torn up.
I did however have a shiny new "CVjoint shaft" and boots up front. ( That were probably just fine before the mechanic replaced them. )

Now I know I am at fault for not specifying which boots needed replacing, but ... c'mon it is plain as day ! ( Just look at the images I posted at the linked thread )
I would have hoped that the mechanic could have called me once he saw that the ' other' CV boots were split and asked if that was what I meant.
So now I am out $ 342.64 and still have to have the CORRECT CV boots replaced.

Hard lesson learned.

How would you guys handle a situation like this ?

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