The point was that he never said 'Lysol'.
Name a bigger brand of disinfectant than Lysol.
See the problem here?
My favorite Marshall McLuhan moment is in Annie Hall when Woody Allen drags him out from behind a standee in the theater lobby and has him explain to the obnoxious twit, that "actually, you have my entire
fallacy wrong."
Kind of like I fight with you because you're generally right on, but in a way that I find off base, most likely because you're off base in a slightly different way than I am. The only answer for which is internet hatred. Sorry, Darin, but there's nothing we can do.
Smok'um peace pipe?
redneck — People who didn't experience Us*n*t* in the 1990s have no idea what an uncensored Internet is like.
*(Rules of Internet #1 and 2)