Mom has been complaining about her reasonably-new bed for a while and she had been napping in the living room far more than normal. This is a bad time to go to stores and try out mattresses so I looked into comparisons of different on-line mattresses.
From what I read, all of the major [new] brands were good, it was a matter of preference, but you would still like all brands.
I ordered a queen size and it was ridiculously heavy. I carefully slit the shrink wrap and it expanded explosively. As soon as I removed the plastic it was full size.
Do any mattresses come with handles? Sure, they often break, but usually you get some use out of them, right? I opened it in my room expecting it to need a couple of days to expand, but it was immediately ready to go.
With endless requests for my brother to assist I wrestled it out of my room, across the living room, and into Mom's room. Then I wrestled the old one out of her room, across the living room, kitchen, and back yard.
I really need to take it to storage!
Mom says that it is great!
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4