I like the idea of "re-using" waste water from the washer or shower, because it is all kept inside the house. Much of the legality of grey-water systems is based on the whole "dumping dirty water in your yard" thing and much of people's irrational fears.
Good idea to label the greywater tank.
I also plan to have it be easy to dis-connect/re-connect the system for maintenence, if there are any problems with it, or removal if needed.
Since water would be contained inside the house, there would be no problems with mosquitos or anything.
I was also thinking that there may be the side benefit of retaining more heat in the house. You would be surprised how much heat goes right down the drain with your shower water!
It might be possible to design a heat exchanger as part of this system so that incoming (cold) well water could get pre-heated before going to the water heater.